Interview with Sebastian Hildebrandt
You took over the company from your father. So, have you always been part of Hildebrandt AG?
No. I did my apprenticeship at Wulf GmbH, which is now also part of the Group. After my apprenticeship, I worked in a tree nursery and completed my technical college entrance qualification. After my studies in Geisenheim, I joined the German army and then joined my father’s company. I worked there in construction management until he retired in 1996 and then took over the management.
Wow, that’s a long time in the company. How did you decide to sell the entire business?
I knew that there would be no successor in my family. That’s why I’d been thinking about what to do with myself and my business for some time. Ultimately, you only have three options: First, you remain a shareholder and someone else takes over the management. Second, you give your shares to the other shareholders or third, you sell the company completely, as it is now. The other two options did not present themselves to me.
Why did we do it?
Honestly, the offers were very similar, and you simply had the most convincing one.
What did you think about when the sale became serious?
First and foremost, I thought about whether and how the company would continue. What would happen to my employees, would the business continue and so on.
And will the business continue?
Yes, it will continue as normal. I knew that we needed to make some organisational adjustments. Fortunately, Greenovis has taken this into its own hands together with us and is helping us to optimise our processes, finances and so on. We are working on this in parallel with our ongoing business.

Was there anything that surprised you?
I didn’t think that the atmosphere would change after the sale. However, you realise that we are no longer a family business, but part of a group. Some responsibilities have changed and new colleagues from the umbrella organisation have joined us. You first have to get to know each other and that takes time.
Have you tried to counteract this?
Yes and no. We held a works meeting and told our colleagues about the sale. We also organised a small celebration at which Hendrik Hucke, the Managing Director of Greenovis, gave a speech and exchanged ideas with our employees. In my opinion, these were good and important measures.
But I think you also must realise that there is a difference between a family business and a medium-sized group of companies. The emotional level changes. Until now, the employees have worked for Sebastian Hildebrandt, whom they have also seen regularly in the company. With the size of the group, it becomes a little more anonymous, but that is unavoidable.
Do you also notice a difference in your relationship with your business partners?
No, I don’t notice any difference there. In our industry, however, there are often changes in the company name, company form, management and so on, which is why our company sale was not so ‘special’.
What advice do you have for shareholders who want to sell their company?
Mhh…good question. I don’t know, I think I was just very lucky that everything happened at the right time and in the right context. You should always be aware of that: Changes are always taking place in the trade in general and in landscaping in particular to meet the requirements in terms of processing, bureaucracy and everything else.
You’ve been out of Hildebrandt’s day-to-day business since the end of December 2024 and only work as a consultant for Greenovis. Are you bored yet?
No, not at all. I’m well occupied with my private projects such as our farm, restoring motorbikes and cars and going on holiday. My wife also keeps me very busy. 😉
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