Pandion Ville

Construction of the neighbourhood centre as a place to stay and a park with multi-sports facilities

  • Client
    Pandion Ville GmbH Co.KG
  • Construction time
    approx. mid-2020 to the end of 2023
  • Construction cost
    approx. € 3,500,000.00 net
  • The ‘Pandion Ville’ project in Bonn-Duisdorf involved the construction of a total of around 400 owner-occupied flats in a 3 to 5-storey residential development as part of the overall neighbourhood development on the site of the former Gallwitz barracks. Part of our tasks, divided into 3 sections, was the construction of the spacious green areas of the 1st and 2nd construction phase, as well as the construction of the neighbourhood centre as a recreational area and a park with a multi-sports facility.
  • Implementation
    Ringbeck GmbH